
Pritz, M.B. Nuclei and tracts in the thalamus of crocodiles. J Comp Neur, 532: e25595, 2024.

Pritz, M.B. Evolution of local circuit neurons in two sensory thalamic nuclei in amniotes. Brain Behav Evol, 98: 183-193, 2023d.

Pritz, M .B. Nuclei and tracts in the epithalamus of crocodiles. J Comp Neur, 531: 1582-1605, 2023c.

Pritz, M. B. A different framework to classify preoptic and hypothalamic nuclei in reptiles. Neurosci Lett, 810: 137368, 2023b.

Pritz, M. B., Nuclei and tracts in the pretectum and associated tegmentum of crocodiles. J Comp Neur, 532:415-450, 2023a.

Pritz, M.B., Elsey, R.M, Thompson, T.N., and Hsu, E.W. A rare case of partial skull and brain duplication in a hatchling Alligator mississippiensis. Anat Rec, 306: 494-501, 2023.

Pritz, M.B., Do crocodiles have a zona incerta? J Comp Neur 530:1195-1212, 2022.

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